With the rapid development of the web, there is a growing need to communicate with your customers both at the local and global level. In other words, you can reach customers both in your city, state and country but also people from other countries as well.
What makes your website more reachable is if you are able to present your offerings in languages that are understood by customers, whether locally or globally.
So, here are 3 ways by which your website can support more than one language:
#1: HTML Language Template
This is the easiest (and quickest) way to offer multiligual capability at your website is to create separate HTML files for every language. While this is simple to carry out, even a person with basic HTML skills will be able to execute these tasks. However, the only problem occurs if you have a large website, and regular changes need to be made.
#2: XML Language Files
The second method by which you can Payday Loans enable multilingual support for your website is by using XML language files. While it is an advantage that XML Language files can be built in any format, what makes this better is that it can be rather easily manipulated using built-in PHP classes. Since there is no need for the use of a database, this lessens the load especially if your website has a large number of visitors and depends on heavy database use.
#3: Storing Language Phrases in a MySQL Database
When you store language phrases in a database, this enables you to have more control over the translation that take place. Another advantage of this method is being able to edit these translation from the admin or create a portal where these translations can be discussed. On the other hand, this can turn out to be a disadvantage in terms of resource consumption if the website is too big. To prevent this, one must only load the necessary phrases for each page.