How to Handle the 3 Types of PHP Errors

Errors in software development is part and parcel of the process from its beginning to completion. However, there are ways by which you can handle these PHP errors. This is what we will discuss in this article while also distinguishing between the 3 types of PHP errors.

So, here’s how you can handle 3 types of PHP errors:

#1: Syntactical
Amongst the three, this type of PHP error is the easiest to sort out. A syntactical error involves not writing code properly. For example, if you forget to include a semicolon at the end of a code block or even not including a bracket in an if-statement. It should be said that these errors are the easiest to fix even if the error messages received are usually vague.

#2: Logical
Of the three types of errors, logical online casino software errors are the most difficult to find as the script continues to be executed even if you aren’t getting the desired output. If you do encounter such a problem then you have to debug the code carefully. In fact, it’s better to be methodical when you code by naming all the pages clearly while also explaining their function and purpose. Another way to avoid these type of errors should involve preventative coding.

#3: Run Time
With run time errors, PHP will identify the error far more accurately than the other two. Apart from that, while the script will be executed, certain parts of it will not be allowed to do what it is supposed to do. For example, if you add only one parameter in the showAge() function when it expects two, you’ll get a runtime error.