4 phpmyadmin Tips That You Might Not Know

It’s almost a decade since one of the most popular PHP projects, myphpadmin, continues to be under active development. If that’s not enough, this project releases one version every year without fail.

And considering how long it has been around, there are features that developers continue to discover when using this utility.


So, here 4 myphpadmin features that you might not know about yet:


#1: Change the Theme

While the default myphpadmin has been picked (and optimized) for its productivity, you will agree that it isn’t all that visually appealing. You can actually change the theme so as to suit your tastes. Visit the myphpadmin website to find a number of themes that might be just the thing you are looking for. Once you download it, unzip the contents of the file into your MyPhpAdmin themes directory.


#2: Backup Your Databases

One of the features of MyPhpAdmin allows you to export entire databases or quantum pills vs volume pills select tables to a number of formats (almost 16 in number). All you have to do is find the Databases tab, select the desired database and click Export. After this, you can choose the specific table you want to export and the format you want it exported to.


#3: Prevent the Root User From Logging In

Performing database management tasks as the root user can be a disaster as you can do just about anything and which includes dropping a database – something that you should avoid at all costs. If you want to prevent this from happening, add this line to your config.inc.php file:

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘AllowRoot’] = FALSE;


#4: Use Your Native Language

Almost 62 languages are supported in varying degrees even if English is the default interface used by phpmyadmin. If you want to change this, all you have to do is use the Language select box on your home to pick the language you want.