Complex web development tasks require the use of PHP. It is often considered the best language for these tasks indeed.
Here are 4 questions answered about PHP that can get you started:
1: What is PHP?
PHP, a recursive acronym, is also known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. As for its purposes, it is a general purpose scripting language that is used for a variety of programming tasks. In particular, it can used for web development while also being embedded into HTML.
2: Are there tutorials and online documentation to learn PHP?
You can find a number of online manuals as well as downloadable ones. Best part: they are available in other languages as well. There are a number of beginner tutorials available at Tutorialspoint, W3Schools and at the PHP site among others.
3: Is it possible to run PHP locally on my PC?
Yes, you can. Yet apart from running PHP, you need access to a web server that is running on your PC as well. How you can do this is by downloading and installing XAMPP from Apachefriends.org. Since it is an open source program, you will be able to install MySQL DBMS, PHP, Apache Webserver and PHP MyAdmin on your PC.
4: Is it possible to create a content management system (CMS) with PHP? How?
It must be pointed out that creating a CMS is hardly a small matter if security is taken into consideration while quality is also the focus too. There are a number of open source CMS’. You can find information on OpenSourceCMS.