It’s important to have a secure form or contact form on your website so that your customers can get in touch with you, if there are any issues.
One reason why this works so well is you can avoid receiving spam if you provide an email address at your website.
Yet since email harvesters can find hidden addresses, it’s important for developers to use scripts that do not display the address at all.
For the first step, it is important to determine what are the fields that are required for the contact form. Do not forget to run a Google Search for your email address so as to ensure that you haven’t left it on your site by mistake.
For the most part, common fields used in the creation of a contact form are name, email, subject, reason and message.
The title will be ‘Contact Form’ and will be expressed in code as “<title>Contact Form</title>”.
As for the first Payday Loans header, which will be titled as ‘Contact’, the code used for this would be:
“<h3>Contact Us</h3>
If you are expecting a response, please enter a valid email address”
For the three fields, Name, Email and Subject, the input type would be text-based. For example, in order to provide the user with the ability to enter his name, you would use: Your Name: <input type= “text” name=”Name”>
The same can be done for the Email and Subject too.
For the next field which is Reason, you would use the following code:
<select name=”Reason”>
<option value=”1”>General Feedback</option>
<option value=”2”>Advertising</option>
<option value =”3”>Privacy Issues</option>
In order to create a Message box, you will have to use the <textarea> command while giving specifications for both columns and rows, and which can be expressed as: <textarea name=”Message” cols=”30” rows=”8”></textarea><br>
Finally, creating a “Contact Us” button to submit the data can be created by using the following line: <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”Contact Us”>