Keep Your Website Development Safe with Encryption

The Internet as we know it today is a source of information, socialization, and much more. If we look back, it is sometimes hard to imagine how we lived without it at all.

The web as it is commonly known provides us with innumerable ways to communicate, transact, and store. As we continue to rely on it more and more, the risk that is associated with doing so grows along with it. There is an ever present danger that your personal details, credit card number, etc even chat logs could be stolen or hacked into. While there are many ways to protect yourself, the initial step has to be taken by the programmer or developer.

Website security is crucial and should be a priority in the early development stages. This is because security can define the choice of the programming language to be used in the development of the website. Using plain vanilla HTML to code a website is like using tissue paper to carry around water – the leaks are innumerable.

So the solution is to look at a programming language that can keep a website more or less air tight. PHP is increasingly becoming the go-to language as it is fairly flexible. It has a mutlitude of uses; hence, is used on a large scale worldwide. PHP code can be easily encrypted by sending the PHP scripts encoder which changes the code to cipher-text. This means the code cannot be viewed, copied, amended, or stolen by anyone.

There are many PHP encoders available online which will enable you to do the encryption. Play around with a few, and you will find one that you are comfortable to work with.